It actually depends on what kind of tribe they were. there are a whole bunch of different tribes that speak different, eat different foods, hunt different ways, have different religions, and a bunch of other things
Languages in the Eastern Woodlands cultural area mainly belonged to the very large Algonquian group and to the Iroquoian group. Only the Winnebago, Tutelo, Saponi, Catawba, Occaneechi, Cheraw and Waccamaw were of the Siouan linguistic stock (but some of these languages may possibly have been Algonquian).
Not every tribe speaking an Iroquoian language automatically belonged to the Iroquois confederacy; the Huron, Petun, Neutral and Erie tribes were inveterate enemies of the main Iroquois tribes.
Today, all Tillamook people speak English.
They once spoke Tillamook, an extinct Salishan language. The last fluent speaker was Minnie Scovell who died in 1972.
In an effort to prevent the language from being lost, a group of researchers from the University of Hawaii interviewed the few remaining Tillamook-speakers and created a 120-page dictionary.
Over 400 different native American languages were spoken in the western part of North America.
Linguists who specialize in ancient languages estimate that the Western Hemisphere had about 2,000 languages at the time of Columbus. These languages were diverse and scattered throughout North and South America.
There are more than 700 Native American languages spoken today. You would have to be more specific.
The main language spoken in Mexico is Spanish, but other languages spoken there include:Nahuatl or Aztec which are spoken by 2.5 million peopleMayan, spoken by 1.5 million peopleMixteco and Zapoteco (both spoken by about 0.7 million people.In total there are over 60 languages spoken in Mexico, and many dialects within those languages.
This is unanswerable since "American Indian" is not a language. There are literally hundreds of languages spoken by Native Americans. You will have to be more specific regarding the tribe and clan.
Alaska does not have an Official language. English is the most commonly spoken, language in Alaska. The next most commonly spoken languages are one of the 22 Native American languages; Spanish; and Tagalog, which is a language of the Philippines.
The most widely spoken and common languages in the Western Hemisphere include:EnglishSpanishFrenchPortugueseNavajoYupikSiouxApacheQuechuaGarífunaInuktitutCherokeeChoctawDutchOther Native American LanguageVarious Caribbean CreolesVarious immigrant languages, including Chinese, German, and Tagalog
Technically they have 3 languages. Berber and Hassaniya are the native languages, and Spanish is a third (but limited) language.
Linguists who specialize in ancient languages estimate that the Western Hemisphere had about 2,000 languages at the time of Columbus. These languages were diverse and scattered throughout North and South America.
The most commonly spoken first languages of Anglo Americans are English, Spanish, and French.
In the Western Cordillera region of Canada, the main languages spoken are English and French. Indigenous languages such as Cree, Dene, and Inuktitut are also spoken by some communities in this region.
There were many different tribes of northwest Native Americans, meaning there were different languages. These languages were Nootka, Coast Salish, and Chinook. They also may have spoken a dialect of Chinook jargon that included French, English, and Russian words.
There ARE literally dozens of languages the Native Americans or indigenous people from Mexico speak. Some of them include:Nahuatl (still spoken by 1.4 million people in Mexico)MayaMixtecZapotecOtomiTotonacMazatecHuastecChinantecMixeetc.
There are MANY Native American languages. Each tribe has its own language. So there is not one particular word for love in all Native American languages. You need to ask for the word in a particular Native American language, such as Cherokee, Sioux, Apache, etc.
Haitian Creole is the predominant language of Western Haiti.
The most widely spoken language at the Western Wall (הכותל המערבי) in Jerusalem is Hebrew. But there are tourists from all over the world there, speaking many languages.
The two official languages in Uganda are English and Swahili, and both are widely spoken in Kampala, though dozens of native African languages are also spoken, especially in the suburbs.
By native speakers, the twenty most common languages in Europe are:RussianGermanTurkishEnglishItalianSpanishUkrainianPolishRomanianDutchKazakhGreekCzechPortugueseBelarusianHungarianSwedishAzerbaijaniBulgarianSerbian