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many peole there speak Chinese and eglish

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Q: What languages do the people in Chinatown speak?
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What is the name for people that speak two languages?

People who speak two languages are commonly referred to as bilingual.

What are people called who speak several different languages are?

People who speak several different languages are called polyglots.

How many languages does the average person speak?

Most people speak one or two languages fluently. Some people may speak three or more languages, but that is not the norm for the average person.

What do Bantu people speak?

The Bantu people don't speak religion. Furthermore, Bantu is a group of languages, not an ethnic group. People who speak Bantu languages practice many different religions.

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Slavic people speak Slavic languages. Some of the most common are:RussianPolishCzechSlovakBulgarianUkrainianBelarussianRusynSlovenianBosnianCroatianMontenegrinMacedonianChurch SlavonicFurthermore, some Slavic people speak non-Slavic languages as well, particularly:EnglishGermanRomanianHungarianFrench

Which set of Caribbean people speaks two languages?

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The San people speak various languages, including various Khoisan languages such as !Xoon, Juǀ'hoan, and ǂKx'auǁ'ein. These languages are characterized by their use of click consonants.

What languages do Sanitarian people speak?

Sanitarians are officials who are responsible for public health or people in favor of public health reform.They speak the languages of their country.

Can Italians speak other languages?

Of course they speak other languages. Don't you know people in your country who speak more than one language.

What languages do Era people speak?

There is no such thing as "Era people"

How many people speak Karen languages?

Approximately 3-4 million people speak various Karen languages, which are a group of languages spoken primarily in Myanmar and Thailand.