Mother Teresa came to speak five languages fluently:her native AlbanianSerbo-CroatEnglishBengaliHindi.AnswerI am actually doing a report on her so I'll give you the answer to your question. She spoke Indian and English, because she was from Calcutta, India that explains the Indian now the English, that was the second language there. She would often learn that in school. If you want to see and hear her speak just go to and type in Mother Teresa at the top and there she is. Hopefully my answer was useful! Mother Teresa was born in Albania.Five languages Mother Teresa can speak fluently. Her own language is Albanian after that English, Hindi, Bengali & Serbo.Croat are the languages she was fluent speaker of.
The Romans did not want a king because they did not want person to be in charge that is why they elected TWO Consuls
Yes, the Confederates were fighting to keep their slaves.
The Romans did not want Jesus. Jesus was taken to Poltius Pilates, the Roman governor of Judea by the Jewish judges of the Sanhedrin. They considered Jeusus to be a blasphemous heretic and wanted the Romans to execute him.
They were important t the upper class ancient Romans because that is were they lived.
It depends on how many languages you would want to learn, or how many you can take.
Rich Romans lived in amazing houses poor Romans didn't. Rich Romans ate delectable food poor Romans didn't rich Romans had money poor ones didn't rich ones didn't work poor ones did but there is a difference between poor Romans and slaves were people who were very poor and were owned. and if you want to learn the difference between slaves and rich people or poor people and slaves i recommend going on to wikipedia it is a very advanced website that has about 20 A4 pages about every single precise subject.
uuh, haha i can speak english, SOME french, and i know a couple words in greek and arabic. (: but why would you want to know that? x)
This website is the search site for Belgium. It currently supports two languages: French, and Dutch. People who want to use this site but don't speak these languages can use a Chrome browser, which translates many languages.
You speak whatever language you want. The dog can be trained to understand a few things if you are consistent. In other words, you speak the canine dialects of two related and overlapping languages with dogs: Body Language and Operant Conditioning. The better you are at these two languages, the more successful and enjoyable your communication with your dog will be.
If you speak another language, then you can go to different countries and be able to understand what people are saying without a translator with you. If you learn another language, you get a career as a translator and translate for people. Also, some people learn numerous languages because family members speak different languages such as Spanish and French, and they want to be able to understand them without people translating.
You just say - "I speak four languages" ...?It would be good if you use the one the other person speaks and understands._________You DO see the wonderful irony in your question... right?______________Try to work it into the conversation gradually. Wait until the person brings up a topic related to languages, other countries, or travel. Then mention that you speak a particular language. When the other party acknowledges that, you can add "and I speak three others". You don't want to sound full of yourself or pretentious by just blurting it out, but don't let yourself be passed over because you couldn't find the right opportunity to reveal a valuable personality asset.______________Throw in something like:'IK Parle Cuatro Languages'(I(in dutch) Speak(in French) Four(in spanish) Languages(in english)
Because in China, citizens speak Chinese and in the USA citizens speak American. So immigrants have to adapt to their customs not the other way around.
They wanted to have freedom.
I know what people want and I know how to give it to them. As a teen I know te struggles of both kids and adults. And I can speak 6 languages
nobody said you MUST know languages when you want to sell something. It would probably be better to know languages when you are in a global business , but if you are having a garage sale or you open a shop where most people speak English or your language, chances are, nobody is ever gonna come in your store who does not know your language you don't really have to learn a bunch of different languages.
To know many languages will help you go further in life,because what if you want a job but you can't speak the language required?