Alexander the great came to control Macedonia and Greece, Egypt, the Persian Empire and some lands east fo there to India (for a short time).
Alexander was Macedonian. The whole of the Persian Empire. Modern day Turkey, Egypt, all of Mesopotamia and adjacent lands.
Alexander conquered hi
Alexander conquered Egypt, Macedonia, and the Persian Empire.
From Libya to Central Europe - the same as the Persian Empire from whom he conquered/stole it.
Every country bordering the Mediterranean Sea was once part of the Roman Empire. The empire included the complete Mediterranean coastline.
Alexander was Macedonian. The whole of the Persian Empire. Modern day Turkey, Egypt, all of Mesopotamia and adjacent lands.
it does
Sargon ruled Sumaria in ancient times. During his reign, his empire included all of the lands of Mesopotamia in the Middle East.
their empire will get weaker
throughout Alexanders empire
Alexander conquered hi
Alexander conquered Egypt, Macedonia, and the Persian Empire.
From Libya to Central Europe - the same as the Persian Empire from whom he conquered/stole it.
Every country bordering the Mediterranean Sea was once part of the Roman Empire. The empire included the complete Mediterranean coastline.
Mainland Greece, and in Africa, Libya.
It was Alexander the Great. He did not conquer lands In Europe. He conquered the Persian Empire which had lands on Asia and included Egypt, the only land in north Africa ehich came under his dominion