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She was called Dolley Madison.

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Q: What lady is said to have saved the Declaration of Independence from burning when the city of Washington burned?
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When was Washington D.C. burned?

During the 2nd War for Independence.

What is the historical importance behind the burning of Washington?

If you are talking about Washington, D.C. being burned down in the War of 1812, then this is the answer. The Declaration of War in 1812 with England stated that the main reason the United States was declaring war was to concur Canada. In 1813, US forces crossed Lake Ontario and burned down the capital Fort York (which today is Toronto.) In 1814, the British got their revenge by burning down Washinton, D.C.

What happened to Eldridge Gerry after he signed the declaration of independence?

His house was burned his stuff was taken and he was left with his family and pride

Who won the burning of Washington?

The British, led by General Robert Ross, captured and burned Washington, D.C. in 1814. This occurred during the War of 1812.

When was Washington D.C. attacked and burned?

The burning of Washington D.C. occurred on August 24, 1814. The attack was carried out by British troops in retaliation for the U.S. attack on York.

The greatest humiliation to the US during the war of 1812 occurred when British?

successfully invaded and burned down the White House in Washington, D.C. in 1814. This event, known as the Burning of Washington, dealt a significant blow to American morale and symbolized the vulnerability of the young nation.

The Burning of Washington and Ft McHenry?

kelly ash -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well I'm not sure if this you are looking for (be more specific). The burning of Washington D.C. was committed by the British as revenge. We, the americans, burned fort York in Canada so the British burned D.C. Dolly Madison was also significant in this event because, since she was the presidents wife, she waved many valuables from the White House before it burned.

Why did the britesh burn the White House?

In the War of 1812, the British decided to burn the White House after learning that their capital city in Canada had been burned by the Americans. In retaliation, they surrounded Washington D.C. and burned the White House.

Was the White House on fire and when?

During the War of 1812 the British Army invaded Washington DC and burned many public buildings including the white house. This happened on August 24, 1814.The burning of Washington was in retaliation for the American Army's burning of York, in Upper Canada (now Toronto, Ontario) in 1813.

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How does johnny get burned in The Outsiders?

the burning church

How is coal used in Washington?

it is burned