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Alexander of macedon. later named Alexander the great.

you can read a part of his glory in the letter that he sent to the perian king darius just before the battle of issus at the link below [last paragraph]

i post it here too.

: "Your ancestors came into Macedonia and the rest of Greece and treated us ill, without any previous injury from us. I, having been appointed commander4nchief of the Greeks, and wishing to take revenge on the Persians, crossed over into Asia, hostilities being begun by you. For you sent aid to the Perinthians,' who were dealing unjustly with my father; and Ochus sent forces into Thrace, which was under our rule. My father was killed by conspirators whom you instigated5 as you have yourself boasted to all in your letters; and after slaying Arses, as well as Bagoas, and unjustly seizing the throne contrary to the law of the Persians, and ruling your subjects unjustly, you sent unfriendly letters about me to the Greeks, urging them to wage war with me. You have also despatched money to the Lacedaemonians, and certain other Greeks; but none of the States received it, except the Lacedaemonians. As your agents corrupted my friends, and were striving to dissolve the league which I had formed among the Greeks, I took the field against you, because you were the party who commenced the hostility. Since I have vanquished your generals and viceroys in the previous battle, and now yourself and your forces in like manner, I am, by the gift of the gods, in possession of your land. As many of the men who fought in your army as were not killed in the battle, but fled to me for refuge, I am protecting; and they are with me, not against their own will, but they are serving in my army as volunteers. Come to me therefore~ since I am lord of all Asia; but if you are afraid you may suffer any harsh treatment from me in case you come to me, send some of your friends to receive pledges of safety from me. Come to me then, and ask for your mother, wife, and children, and anything else you wish. For whatever you ask for you will receiv e; and nothing shall be denied you. But for the future, whenever you send to me, send to me as the king of Asia, and do not address to me your wishes as to an equal; but if you are in need of anything, speak to me as to the man who is lord of all your territories. If you act otherwise, I shah deliberate concerning you as an evil-doer; and if you dispute my right to the kingdom, stay and fight another battle for it; but do not run away. For wherever you may be, I intend to march against you. "

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Alexander the Great conquered the allied Athenian forces and won the hegemony over a united Greece.

J.B. Bury the eminent historian wrote:

The battle of Chaeronea belongs to the same historical series as the battles of Aegospotami (405 B.C.) and Leuctra (371B.C.).

As the hegemony or first place among Greek states had passed successively from Athens to Sparta, and to Thebes, so now it passed to Macedon. The statement that Greek liberty perished on the plain of Chaeronea is as true or as false as that it perished on the field of Leuctra or the strand of the Goat's River. Whenever a Greek state became supreme, that supremacy entailed the depression of some states and the dependency or subjection of others. Athens was reduced to a secondary place by Macedon, and Thebes fared still worse; but we must not forget what Sparta, in the day of her triumph, did to Athens, or the more evil things which Thebes.

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Q: What king of Macedonia who conquered most of Greece?
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What are Alexander the greats special attributes?

Alexander III of Macedon, conquered most of Greece, Persia, Egypt, and parts of India. He was very confident and a great warrior. He was a great king of macedonia.

Why was Alexander the Great important?

Alexander the great is important because by the age of thirty he had created one of the largest empires in ancient history. He was the ancient ruler of Macedonia, what is now north eastern Greece and as ruler he conquered most of the civilized world, from Greece to Egypt, Persia and India. He is known as one of the greatest commanders of all time and was undefeated in battle.

Who was Alexander the Greats Father?

Alexander's father was Philip II of Macedon. Philip had conquered most of Greece by the time he died in 336 BC. Alexander was 20 and began completing the plans Philip had made to invade Persia.

Why was Alexander the great called the great?

He is considered great since he never lost a battle in the mere 13 years he conquered the majority of the known world. When he was 14 years old, he successfully tamed a horse that none of the breeders could ever manage. The horse, Bucephalus, was rode by Alexander on most of his wars. He fell in battle on the Hydaspes River in 326 B.C. Alexander spread Hellenistic culture and the language of Koine from Egypt to India.

Alexander the great what did he do?

Alexander the Great was king of Macedon. He conquered Greece, defeated the Persian Empire, and founded the city of Alexandria. By the time of his death Alexander had conquered most of the known ancient world.

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What are Alexander the greats special attributes?

Alexander III of Macedon, conquered most of Greece, Persia, Egypt, and parts of India. He was very confident and a great warrior. He was a great king of macedonia.

How did ancient Macedonia defeat the rest of Greece?

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No, Macedonia is actually in Greece. It's the biggest in size and second most populous region and it is located in North Greece.

Does Macedonia have monarchy?

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What was the most important effect of Macedonia's conquest of Greece?

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Why was Alexander the Great important?

Alexander the great is important because by the age of thirty he had created one of the largest empires in ancient history. He was the ancient ruler of Macedonia, what is now north eastern Greece and as ruler he conquered most of the civilized world, from Greece to Egypt, Persia and India. He is known as one of the greatest commanders of all time and was undefeated in battle.

What part of Greece did the generals of Alexander the great come from?

Most of Alexander's generals came from Macedonia

Who was Alexander the Greats Father?

Alexander's father was Philip II of Macedon. Philip had conquered most of Greece by the time he died in 336 BC. Alexander was 20 and began completing the plans Philip had made to invade Persia.

Where is Macedonia located?

Macedonia (in Greek: Μακεδονία Makedonίa) is a the second most populous and the biggest in size region of Greece. It is located in north Greece. Gradually it's in Europe, Southeastern Europe, Balkans, South Balkans, north Greece. It borders with Thrace and Epirus and three countries: Albania, FYROM and Bulgaria. Its south coasts are washed by the Aegean sea.

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