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the kinds of slavery that exist today are disguised as of course things that dont look like slavery because it is commonly known that slavery is wrong and not practiced in peaceful environments , slavery however has and is being used to manipulate communities and civilizations and is used as a method of infiltration to the levels of household access which is what an enemy looks for although people involved in slavery are not fully developed humans as they have an unrational and unreasonable thought process , the people who are actually used as a slave for labor or cruelty are usually someone with low defensive capabilities , on this planet which there may not be other planets with life but the chances of life in other places in the universe is higher than not , on this planet schools ( elem. midl. highschl. ) are used to , stalk , lure , recruit , assault , rape , molest , infiltrate , mislead and keep tabs on people who are against things like slavery most schools are used as sex brothel type sex slavery rings , these rings look like teachers foreman managers police principals but are actually a cult gang of rapists shovinist and biggot type personality characteristics in there persistance of involvement and actions on top of the technological reality of self education through technology like cgi ( computer generated images ) , cgs ( computer generated sound ) , and cnc ( computer notation control ... which means reading a program through a number system to control an elecrtic (stepper) motor ) , slavery is being used now by a greedy thoughtless selfish group of shovinist biggot type people who become rich tricking you to make the stuff at the business they say they own while you work they collect the money and tell a corrupt police force through there city counsel or other government officials constituant deals to threaten you into conforming to there threat demands , these things seem unreasonable to acheive considering how intelligent people are who are not under a type of mind control to make them seem like a clone that fits the look of the type , stem cells and electronics can be used to make fake people like sex dolls which would eliminate std's and any other sexual issues leaving the person with their ideal person or people to have sex with , this is what the people with intelligence will do as soon as the imposting group of fake government people which are not clones and there business associates that operate unknown to the employees a slavery operation that uses a tactic to trick people or opress people enough to work at there business which is supposed to be a cnc natural resource not a business ( like star trek where you ask for a car or a galss of water and the cnc machine mines it pumps and makes and delivers it to a panel on the wall from a under street and personal dock for each white person in the Western Hemisphere ( including all other white people (..crime segregation ) where white people are originally from the continent of North America and they get south america and all the surrounding islands of the americas not any other race and other races are supposed to stay on there continent , black Africa , brown red middle eastern europe , yellow asia , these are not options they are the way it is supposed to be and has to be , as far as the other races of humans are concerned they are not supposed to be technologicaly advanced like the white one but are supposed to enjoy some of the technology as like a toy not a labor force and sensor , you see you dont need an id card or a drivers licence or tabs or licence plates because you can be continually tracked by satelite even for vitals in the event of an emergency satelite electonics can be connected to cnc machines to produce all things even people by stem cell and electronic wooms to select by cnc and sensor and satelite and antenna a person from the seed and the egg to a healthy and enhanced mental and physical capabilities which is certainly possible for existing people with stem cell and electronic technologies people in general are not rude and any african or hispanic or asian person who refuses to leave are land will be deported and soon people should start making plans to move to their natural continent and working on immediately cgi cgs cnc 0 crime all access one network of technolgy to keep the whole planet in healthy shape like that cigarettes can be grown without nicotine in the plant so there not addictive , and that with 1.4 billion white people the work to get everything done for the cnc adapter kit for our cuurent methods to the cnc resource kit for our continents north america and south america and surrounding islands and dont fall for racism or capitolism these are things that these ingrateful people use to get you to make them rich and to try to make you look like a servant and it isnt trivial because we have been cnc capable since around the 1950's , slavery is a destructive method by people who are for lack of a term remedial or de-generate all the way to mania hysteria lunacy consider this officialy a bulletin the government system has to end and the intelligent need to take and be in charge of things even if it means eliminating threats like gangs corruption ... 0 crime , obviously we are being scamed by these governments and they will try to say for you that it isnt a big deal to try to keep using you for there greedy and sadistic plan of gross mal conduct to the species there from , there are arond 50 million ro so africans in the western hemisphere and only 4 million african in eurpoe and 4 million white people in africa now for the rest of the ( all white people ) people your up your next this is a intelligent inviernment its yours nature is with you behind all around you the importance is being placed in the direction now to go ahead and move on to the technological progression of the ecosystem of this solar region of the universe you have passed made it you did it this is real you get a forr surre cnc holodeck ( for real ) and the possibilities of physitele capabilities for those who are trusted nature is good with you the intelligent peaceful rightful things like armageddon if real will now be altered because of intelligent peoples effort to make a nice place out of their planet and the possibility of converting mars to a home planet with a satelite antenna cgi cgs cnc planetary kit , you can beleive that if there is a person type natural creator than if it is complaining of problems if we eliminate the problems with effort and technology we will certainly not be subjected to an apocolypse other than any lifespan of a plant which things grow off of which means if we have peace the planet will react to this and possibly get bigger or healthier and more permanent these are possibilties of nature no longer be fooled by the church and school and government and etc. any creator would not advise it and would support self and helpful civilizational means and methods of learning and skills and matching peopple up with there types including height weight looks and interests yet remaining in individual equal cnc houses hooked up to the cnc satelit and ground antenna fractal system network preset safe program for freedom peace defensive capabilities for example basic personal defense skills and asteroid deflection with also orbiting solar panels toxic waste balls in safe orbitin the solar ranges of the area we can work with of all done by cnc so people dont have to do it or rely on someone else because slavery can attack in to ways one to infiltrate and do the work for advantage and 2 to get you to do the work while they condesend you for there cult gang band voice command cgi cgs cnc satelite antenna stem cell technology will now be the equality of human race species remeber this izz a bulletin not just considered one so those of you who are excited about this you have a reason to be this is what youv known to be true and wondered why it isnt the way we do things well it has been because of these greedy sadistic business owners and politicians and police and gangs and cults all to form one cult to exact there negative goals as opposed to your goals which are suuppeerr exciting the universe is with you but there are still unreasonable people out ther so this must be dealt with expiditiously so dont woory but dont drop it because to have it you have to make the cnc cgi cgs satelite antenna stem cell system which will make everything else ( house car food soap etc. ) this should only take about three years from NOW to complete even the cnc house and the rest of the system network and work will be no more and aid silos can be used for emegencies if there are any from recreation nature is supprtive of stem cell robot people to spar with and for sex etc. and may possibly expect us to help since we can to possibly create like nature has and then nature gives the stem cell and electronics a sul rewarding us for our help with each person having a dozen or so robots to have parties with and to race , we are now to move to high speed individual vehicles (cars planes boats ) with recreational road systems and track parks as we locate ourselves to the coastal ares all ethnic peoples must now turn over all weapons with technology based designs the most advanced species of human the white one will ensure this with the forces for our area in space we will receive help but not the armageddon kind the you have to do kind if it isnt done within a few years im sore that this planet will not exist in tact this is not a threat because the regular people want a nice place the same as the creator of this region has been in some type of veiw of this region and has seem to have taken notice to attempt self resolution since the major majority is clean and healthy to understand the way things are supposed to be they will not be overlooked to the opressers the opressers however will be because of there manipulitive interests and actions so yes you are receiving a commendation and instructions nature is the most powerful thing it is good thank you and your welcome

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Q: What kinds of slavery are there?
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The two main kinds of slavery were .?

indentured and chattel .|.

What were the 2 main kinds of slavery?

The two main kinds of slavery historically were chattel slavery, where enslaved individuals were considered the property of their owners and had no rights, and debt bondage, where individuals were enslaved to work off a debt but still had some limited rights.

WHAT ARE THE Two main kinds of slavery?

The two main kinds of slavery are chattel slavery, which involves treating individuals as property that can be bought and sold, and debt bondage slavery, which occurs when people are forced to work to pay off a debt that they can never fully repay. Both forms involve the exploitation and control of individuals against their will.

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They were fighting for freedom. They wanted to be rid of slavery.

Why was slavery used in the united stated of America?

because it was a bigger place to do those kinds of things

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yes. there was in the United States of America There has been no institutional slavery in the US since the civil war which was the middle of the 19th century...there was and still is slavery of all kinds in Africa and many Asian countries.

How many countrys is there still slavery?

11 or more countries still have slavery of differnt kinds the countries are... scandonavia,Hungry,Swaziland,Indonesia,Tunisia,Brazil,Cote D'Ivoire, Mali,Mauritania,Niger and Sudan

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What kind of slavery does the Qur'an not allow?

The Qur'an does not specify any variant of slavery that is actually prohibited. While it does argue that manumission, the freeing of a slave, is a positive and desirable act, it says nothing about what kinds of slavery are unacceptable. It is only Muslims of today, who were forced to free their slaves by the European Imperialists, who argue that slavery is wrong and do so without strong Qur'anic support.

What kinds of oppositions did martin Luther face?

black and white differencs, the ways people do and dont do things, the way things run, slavery

Were there slaves in 1912?

Not in the US, but Mauritania still practices slavery even today, in 2009. One could argue that the people of North Korea are all slaves of their totalitarian government, even though the term slave is not officially used. There are many kinds of slavery.

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