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ruins mostly.

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Q: What kinds of evidence do archaeologists anthropologists and paleontologists study to find out how prehistoric people lived?
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When kinds of evidence do archaeologists anthropologist and paleontologists study to find out how prehistoric people lived?

Archaeologists study artifacts such as tools, pottery, and structures left behind by prehistoric people. Anthropologists focus on studying cultural practices and human behavior through the analysis of societies and communities. Paleontologists primarily study fossilized remains of animals and plants to understand prehistoric environments and ecosystems.

What evidence found by archaeologists that Sumerians were not prehistoric?

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What evidence found by archaeologists shows that sumerians were not prehistoric?

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Why do historians need archaeologists and anthropologists?

Historians need archaeologists to provide physical evidence to support their theories and interpretations about past societies. Anthropologists help historians understand the cultural context of historical events by studying human societies, behaviors, and beliefs. Together, archaeologists and anthropologists provide a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the past.

What is a sentence for archaeologists?

archaeologists have found very shocking evidence. Where do archaeologists work?

Why do historians need archaeologists and anthropologists to study?

This is because history is the study of the written past, while prehistory is the study of the unwritten past. Archaeologists find their answers from material which is found in the ground, and anthropologists find their answers by trying to match the human behaviour of some societies with the evidence that the archaeologists found.

What are some specialists that study prehistory?

Some specialists that study prehistory include archaeologists, paleoanthropologists, and paleontologists. Archaeologists study human history through material remains, paleoanthropologists study human evolution through fossil evidence, and paleontologists study ancient life forms through fossil records.

What is one of the most important and difficult jobs of both archaeologists and anthropologists?

One of the most important and difficult jobs of both archaeologists and anthropologists is interpreting and making sense of the artifacts and data they uncover. This involves piecing together fragments of evidence to construct a comprehensive picture of past cultures, societies, and human behavior.

Who studies prehistoric forms of life?

Paleontologists study prehistoric forms of life, including dinosaurs, ancient mammals, and early forms of plants. They use fossil evidence to understand the evolution and behaviors of these organisms that lived millions of years ago.

What evidence is there for fishing in Ancient times?

Generally archaeologists and anthropologists study refuse middens near settlements to determine foods consumed. Alternately the scat from the community are studied for the same purpose

Did Archaeologists know that people lived in the Sahara thousands of years ago because?

Archaeologists knew that people lived in the Sahara thousands of years ago through the discovery of ancient rock art, tools, and burial sites. These artifacts provided evidence of human presence and activities in the region during prehistoric times.

What do all continents have in common that paleontologists notice?

Paleontologists have found similar species of prehistoric animals on different continents, indicating a shared geological history when continents were connected in the past. Additionally, they have discovered fossil evidence of climate change and mass extinctions that affected species across all continents.