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It was cold and rainy like the days in new york today.

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Q: What kind of weather conditions where there at the battle of saratoga?
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What kind of war was Britain fighting after the Battle of Saratoga?

After the Battle of Saratoga, in which the Patriots won and beat the British, many countries made official alliances with Britain. Before that battle, European countries were secretly supporting the Thirteen Colonies. After it, enemies of Britain such as France, Spain, and the Netherlands made alliances with the Thirteen Colonies and against the British. The Battle of Saratoga was a battle that was known as 'the turning point of the war', because at this point, after that battle, Britain was fighting a five-theatre war.

What kind of weather conditions on Saturn?

only thunder storms

Can change in weather conditions delay your period?

No not unless the change in weather had caused some kind of physical trauma.

What kind of weather conditions cause wildfires?

Strong winds and low humidity.

Do Every kind of living thing needs the same kind of soil and weather true or false?

It is true. Because all organisims need the right soil and weather conditions to live.

What kind of weather conditions will cause the most water to evaporate from the sea?

Hot and windy conditions typically cause the most water to evaporate from the sea. The combination of heat increasing the water temperature and wind removing the moist air above the water's surface accelerates the evaporation process.

What kind of weather conditions does the prevailing wind carry to Japan?

raining 100% true! believe me.

When a continental tropical air mass influence US what kind of weather does it bring?

A continental tropical air mass typically brings hot and dry weather conditions to the United States, especially in the summer. This air mass originates from hot, desert regions and can lead to high temperatures and low humidity levels, resulting in arid conditions and increased risk of heatwaves.

Which is worse a weather watch or weather advisory?

A weather advisory is typically worse than a weather watch. An advisory means that hazardous weather conditions are expected or already happening, whereas a watch means that conditions are favorable for hazardous weather to occur. It is important to stay informed and take necessary precautions in both situations.

Is soccer played in specific kind of weather?

No! Soccer is infact one of the few sports which can be played in nearly any weather. But probably the best weather for soccer, if any, are cool, sunny conditions.

What kind of weather conditions can a black lab dog be in?

No dog should ever be left outside at all times, regardless of the weather. Dogs are domesticated animals and need to have access to indoor shelter from the weather.

what kind of noun is the word weather?

The noun 'weather' is a common, uncountable, abstract noun, a word for the state or conditions of the atmosphere at a given place and time; a word for a concept. The word 'weather' is also a verb and an adjective.