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In films, viking warriors can be seen using a variety of weapons. Some of the more common viking weapons seen in films include axes, hammers, and spears.

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Q: What kind of weapons are viking warriors typically using in films?
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How do you say i like good films in french?

J'aime des bons films

Name two Hollywood films made on US-VIETNAM war?

First Blood and Apocalypse Now are two Hollywood films made on the US-Vietnam war.

Films about a plot to kill Hitler?

Valkyrie was the most recent.

Which type of films were popular during the depression and why?

Escapism from dreary unemployment. Films with a light touch on life - the elegant Fred Astaire, the happy-go-lucky Maurice Chevalier, the glamorous Marlene Dietrich.

Julianne Moore replaced whom in the Hannibal Lecter films?

Jodie Foster

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The actor Riley Smith has appeared in many high budget films. Some of his most known films have been Radio, New York Minute, Weapons and Eight Legged Freaks.

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Hollywood films are usually done on a large scale and with bigger production values than a country's local films. Also, Hollywood films tend to deal in universal themes that typically cross cultures, so they appeal to audiences worldwide. They are specifically designed that way.

How can films or movies be educational?

They can deal with historical subjects such as the war drama ( Patton) or more peacebly the recent film on Amelia Earhart entitled (Amelia) often it is fun to debunk historical films on incorrect props or weapons for the time frame- and other details.

What is the difference between modern films and old films?

Modern films tend to use more advanced technology, special effects, and editing techniques compared to old films. Additionally, modern films may explore more complex themes and storytelling methods, while old films often had simpler plots and relied more on dialogue and acting. Lastly, modern films are typically made with larger budgets and have access to a wider range of filming locations.

What Germany people typically do for entertainment or for recreation?

Well I think that like everybody they go out for to their favorite places or watch films on their uverse tv and watch their favorite films like every ordinary people.

Whose team was Ironhide on in the Transformers films?

Ironhide is the weapons expert of the Autobots. He is the oldest friend of Optimus Prime. In the Transformers film he is voiced by actor Jess Harnell.

If someone who loves books is called a bibliophile What is someone who loves films called?

Someone who loves films can be referred to as a cinephile. This term is used in film theory, and refers to someone who loves, and typically studies film as well.

How do they acquire artillery heavy machinery and weapons to make war movies?

Many war films use military equipment that belong to private collectors ; see related link below .