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There is no evidence of dinosaurs drinking anything besides freshwater. Most fossils of any animal are of animals that fell into rivers or lakes after death and were buried in mud.

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Q: What kind of water do the dinosaurs drink?
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Was there water at the time of the dinosaurs?

Yes, as a matter a fact, dinosaurs did drink water too.

Did dinosaurs drink- water if so what kind?

Like modern animals, dinosaurs drank water, with the exception of a few desert species that may have gotten enough water for food. They weren't picky; any river, lake, or spring would qualify.

Can you drink the same water that dinosaurs peed?

The Water When The Dinosaurs Lived Is The Same As The Water We Drink today.But We Make Changes To The Water,Even If We Do It Will Be The Same Water As The Dinosaurs Drank(Get It?)

How is it possible that you can be drinking the water that dinosaurs drink?

Water that dinosaurs drank would have eventually been expelled via urine. Once it was, it would evaporate and rejoin the water cycle. Eventually, we might drink it.

What kind of dinosaur lived in the water?

No dinosaurs specifically lived in the water. Plesiosaurs, pliosaurs, mosasaurs and ichthyosaurs lived in the water (but are not DINOSAURS). They are reptiles but not dinosaurs. They co-inhabited the planet with dinosaurs, in the same way that the pterosaurs ruled the air. Pterosaurs were not dinosaurs either.

What did dinosaurs drink many years ago?

There were no marine dinosaurs. Reptiles often thought of as marine dinosaurs were mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, and icthyosaurs. They came to the surface to breathe, and they hunted fish and other sea animals for food.

Do people drink water that dinosaurs have walked you?

No because water gets cleaned almost every day in the earth and makes it purified so dont worry and drink your clean water.

Do dinosaurs drink more water then people?

No, they're all dead. Humans and dinosaurs never met. The dinosaurs died millions of years before humans existed. While they were alive, the larger dinosaurs would certainly have drunk more water than humans, because their large size requires more water. While smaller dinosaurs drunk less.

What kind of water do parakeets drink?

My parakeets drink any kind of water but I recommend not giving them freezing water, water that is not too cold but not too warm

What did the Dromornis Stirtoni eat?

Dromornis Stirtoni eat plants,bugs,rocks and dinosaurs and plenty more. they do not drink water they drink blood from when there kids die by T Rex and plenty more. they do not drink water because if they do water goes down there body and into there heart because the small droplets move into the gaps that they get hert me dinosaurs and than it goes past it and into there haert

What kind of water do penguins drink?

ice water

What kind of water do people drink?

Clean water (hopefully)