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Q: What kind of tools did they use to hunt?
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the youkut tribe usually use spears to hunt fish

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Homo erectus are a lot different from their ancestor's, they use stones as tools to hunt.

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What do people use today to hunt?

People can use many tools to hunt and kill animals for food or pleasure. Some tools include guns, knives, and hunting bows.

What tools did the kiowas use to survive and hunt?

i really dk

What tools did the mohawk Indians use to hunt?

spears & knives.

What tools did the Ojibwa use to hunt?

a pig

What tools do bushmen use to hunt?

They use the hunter gatherer system, to hunt they use all the classic weapons: spears and bow and arrows, etc.

What kind of tools did the Incas use to hunt animals?

The Incas primarily used tools such as spears, slings, and bow and arrows to hunt animals for food. They were skilled hunters and would often work together in groups to corner and ambush their prey. Additionally, they sometimes used trained hunting dogs to help them track and catch animals.

What weapons and tools did the tilamook have?

They had knives, guns, and armor to protect themselves from the animals they hunt and to use these weapons to hunt for food.

What tools did the Yurok tribe use?

they used bows to hunt and spears to fish