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they disscussed trade and boundary problems

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Q: What kind of problems between states did the annapolisconvention discuss?
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In 1786 Virginians called a convention in Annapolis to discuss problems with what?

In 1786, Virginians called a convention in Annapolis to discuss problems with trade and the protectionist policies each state had enacted. As a result of the Annapolis Convention, it was established that the federal government can regulate trade between the states.

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There are no problems between the US and UK that I know of. They are both allies within NATO. There are of course, friendly rivalries between the two countries but those are not problems.

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There are international trade issues, trade problems. Among the states, war debts, and a weak economy plagued the states.

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No. It will create more drifts between people of different states. Creates problems for the share of natural sources. Already India is having hell lot of problems and dividing Country in to new states will creates some more problems.

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There are international trade issues, trade problems. Among the states, war debts, and a weak economy plagued the states.

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War between Great Britain and Spain led to many problems to the United States!

House where four states discussed trade disputes?

Delegates from the states Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Delaware met at Mount Vernon (George Washington's house) to discuss other common commercial problems as well as trade disputes.

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The issue of admittance to the USA as slave-states or free soil.