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Brutus seems to be a jealous, yet thoughtful character. He planned the assassination of Julius Caesar so that there would be "freedom".

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

He was a fit, kind and a good leader.

And his death include: He was stabed at least 23 times by a group of senators

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Q: What kind of person does Brutus seem to be?
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Brutus killed himself after the final battle because it was the honorable thing for a defeated Roman commander to do. People seem to forget that Brutus and Cassius were leaders of armies, they were generals at the time of their defeat.

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In the movie, Julius Caesar, Brutus was the last to stab him, but it is not certain who was the last to stab him.

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How does Brutus respond to Cassius's ideas?

Brutus is very naive and trusting, plus he is a noble person. Cassius is more devious, and able to trick and control Brutus into doing his bidding.

How does Brutus respond to Cassius' ideas?

Brutus is very naive and trusting, plus he is a noble person. Cassius is more devious, and able to trick and control Brutus into doing his bidding.

Did Shakespeare invent Brutus?

No, Shakespeare did not invent Marcus Brutus. He was a real person who really participated in the assasssination of Julius Caesar.