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religious movement

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Q: What kind of movement was the great awakening?
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What was the movement of great awakening?

religious movement

What helped the women's movement gain momentum in the us a the first great awakening b the second great awakening c the transcendental movement d the abolition movement?

The Second Great Awakening helped the women's movement gain momentum in the US. The Second Great Awakening began in the mid-1850s.

Reform movement from second great awakening?

There are several reform movements associated with the Second Great Awakening including the women's rights movement, and abolitionism. The Second Great Awakening refers to a Protestant revival movement.

What religious movement that helped spread democratic feeling in the colonies?

Great awakening

What was the great awakening and why was it important for the colonies?

The Great Awakening was a religious movement. It was important for the colonies because it influenced them.

What is the name of the movement between 1730-1740?

The Great Awakening, also known as the first Great Awakening.

What was the second great awakening?

The second great awakening was a religious revival in America. There were camp meetings. The abolitionist movement and the temperance movement were influenced by the Second Great Awakening.

What movement extinguished many revivals leading up to the Great Awakening?

The movement that extinguished many revivals leading up to the Great Awakening was called the Enlightenment.

Who opposed the second great awakening?

The southern states because the Second Great Awakening promoted the abolitionist movement.

The tendency toward rationalism and indifference in religion was reversed about 1800 by the?

probably the revivalist movement called the Second Great Awakening

Why was the great awakening called the great awakening?

The Great Awakening was named this because it awakened people from the dark. It was a religious movement that awakened the many people that had turned away from religion.

Who was an important religious leader during the first great awakening?

The Great Awakening (called by historians the "First Great Awakening") was an evangelical and revitalization movement that swept Protestant Europe and British America, and especially the American colonies