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Q: What kind of jobs did anctiont Egyptians have?
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What kind of jobs do egyptians have?


What jobs did Egyptians have?

Egyptians were scribes, farmers, slaves, fishermen, and priests.

What were the jobs of Egyptians?

some jobs of slaves were to build the pyramid of the pharaoh.

What specialized jobs did the Sumerians have the the Egyptians didn't?

The jobs of Sumerians and Egyptians were very similar. Both civilizations had farmers, sailors, craftsmen, rulers, and merchants, among many other jobs.

What kind of food Egyptians eat?

egyptians ate meat and any kind of produce

What duties did the Egyptians do?

Ancient Egyptians had many different jobs. Some were farmers and grew crops. Craftspeople did jobs such as carpentry and weaving. There were also soldiers scribes and priests.

What kind of English do Egyptians speak?

Egyptians speak British English

What could have made the egyptians lifes and jobs easier?

i phones!

How where the ancient egyptians women treated?

they would be raped by jobs

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