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Q: What kind of government operated in Salem during the Salem witch trials?
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Related questions

Who was in charge the trials in Salem?

William Stoughton was the head judge during the trials. Thomas Danforth was the main government official involved.William Stoughton was the lead judge during the trials.

How many people were hang during the Salem Witch Trials episode?

Nineteen people were hanged during the Salem witch trials.

How was witchcraft practiced during the Salem witch trials?

There were no actual, practicing witches invovled, accused or otherwise existing in Salem during the witch trials.

How were the trials during the Salem Witch Trials different from trials today?

Obviously, the Salem Witch Trials tried a very different crime. But, other than that, the Salem Trials were very much like a normal civil trial today.

What happened to John Proctor after the Salem Witch Trials?

John Proctor was accused and hanged during the Salem Witch Trials.

Where did john proctor live during the Salem witch trials?

outside of Salem

How many people were killed during Salem witch trials?

During the Salem Witch Trials in Salem Massachusetts in 1692, 19 were hanged, 1 was pressed to death and as many as 13 died in prison.

Who is Samuel parris?

Samuel Paris worked as a minister in Salem, Massachusetts during the Salem witch trials. His daughter and niece were both amongst the girls who were accused of being witches.

What famous trials began in Massachusetts during the first week of March?

the Salem witch trials

How many were convicted during the Salem witch trials?


Who suffered during the Salem witch trials?

a lot of people

What type of torture used for those accused of witch craft in the Salem witch trials?

Torture was no utilized for getting confessions during the Salem Witch Trials.