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Well the force is centripetal force during a body is initially attacked by the tornado,when the body started swinging in the tornado from the surface of the earth,the time when body covers some distance from downward to upward is the time when centrifugal force is applied.... That means tornado have both the centripetal force and centrifugal force.....

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Q: What kind of force that the tornado have like centripetal force centrifugal force?
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Why is the centrifugal force the ladybug feels in the rotating frame called fictitious force?

This is a term from classical mechanics. A fictitious force is a force that is only present in a so-called non-inertial frame. This means that the observer is experiencing some kind of acceleration. The point is that if the observer is accelerating then he might see some forces that are not really forces at all. If you are in a rotating frame you are accelerating, and you feel a centrifugal force. However anyone looking at you while not rotating themselves will say that there is no such force at all. Imagine you are on a horse in a merry-go-around and the thing malfunctions and starts to rotate very rapidly. You will feel the centrifugal force trying to blow you away from the center. However someone standing next to the merry-go-around sees no such force. What he sees is you holding on to the horse, but it is YOU holding onto the horse that is providing a force, if you would let go you would just fly in a straight line and no force would work on you. It is a little difficult to explain it very well in words, in the relevant links I have posted a link that points to the wikipedia article for the Coriolis force (a fictitious force) and figure 1 there shows a nice picture of the above. In General Relativity however, there is no preference for inertial frames anymore and you are valid in claiming there is a force pushing outwards. This force is then gravity. This is direct consequence of the equivalence principle that states that gravity and acceleration are indistinguishable (in a suitable limit).

What kind of force between the bat and the ball helps a baseball player hit a home run?

A pushing force 8P

Without a force to stop or slow a coasting object the object will coast forever in what kind of line?

In a straight line. unless diverted by a on coming force

Did the Pharaohs have police?

They kind of had security guards, but not police.

The Oprichniki created by Ivan the Terrible was a what?

it was a secret police organized by Ivan the terrible

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An object can be moved away by a force like pushing or pulling. This force changes the object's position or direction of motion. Examples include pushing a toy car across the floor or pulling a wagon up a hill.

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When a body is forced to follow a curved path and be directional to the velocity of the path it is known as a centripetal force. Simply put, centripetal force is the cause of circular motion. An example is a loop within a roller coaster that goes upside down, the centripetal force is applied to the track making the coaster travel through at speed.

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When rounding a curve, the centripetal force comes into play. This force is directed towards the center of the curve and is necessary to keep an object moving in a curved path rather than continuing in a straight line.

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Gravity, friction, air resistance, centrifugal force, may be more.

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Centripetal force is a force that makes a body follow a curved path: it is always directed orthogonal to the velocity of the body, toward the instantaneous center of curvature of the path. The term centripetal force comes from the Latin words centrum ("center") and petere ("tend towards", "aim at"), signifying that the force is directed inward toward the center of curvature of the path. Isaac Newton's description was: "A centripetal force is that by which bodies are drawn or impelled, or in any way tend, towards a point as to a center."

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They are the same factors affecting any other kind of force. If the centripetal force is gravitational, then it depends on the masses of the two bodies involved and the distance between them. If it's electrostatic, then it depends on their charges and the distance between them. If it's the force that bends a car around a curve, then it depends on the bank in the pavement and the coefficient of friction between the road and the tires.

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Whats the force that keeps electrons in orbit?

To put it in its simplest form: Attraction to the (positively charged) nucleus, repulsion by other negative electrons and (kind of) centripetal force. The real story is far to complicated to put it down here: quantum mechanical model (theory).

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