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there, you are about to be informed on what foods make you unhappy. I am a professional nutritionist and below is a list of the following foods that make people unhappy and why:

Pineapples: Because of their spiky exterior, they tend to make people very angry. This causes a lot of violence. It has been proven that in the North of American Jailhouse, 38% have been extra violent because of the consumption of pineapples.

Animal-shaped biscuits: Animal biscuits are mostly given to kids when they are young so suit their childish need. Animals have proven to make people realize that they dont have any power in their lives as they compare themselves to the lion in the animal kingdom which is all-powerful. This makes kids very competitive, resulting in a lot of conflict over toys or their personal belongings.

Source: Dr. Henry Ponafollis, Professional Nutritionist, LA

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