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They ate meat and bread most of the time they also ate potatoes .

  • deer
  • boar
  • various birds
  • door mice
  • vegetables ( no potatoes, tomatoes or corn these are New World foods)
  • eels
  • fish
  • beef
  • mutton/lamb
  • fruit mainly apples with honey
  • cakes
  • breads of all sorts

What we eat today, meat, vegetables, whatever the earth could offer.
Bread and meat

roasted chicken, roasted pig, fish, and fruits

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7y ago
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12y ago

Medieval nobility drank mainly wine. In England, some wine was made locally but the best was imported from Germany, France and Spain (much like today).

The preferred food was huge quantities of meat, much of it hunted by the knight himself. Anything that moved on his own land holdings could end up on his table: fish, eels, lampreys, rabbits, venison, wild boar, beef, pork, mutton, lamb, swan, goose, peacock, pigeon and many other types of birds and animals were served as cooked meats, in pies or in other ways.

Rabbits were introduced to England in the 13th century and kept very securely in guarded warrens - they were not available to most people.

Bread, dairy products and fruit was also eaten, but in smaller quantities, and vegetables were generally considered fit only for peasants.

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13y ago

knights ate at their dinning room in their manor house.

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14y ago

A variety of fish and birds as well as fruits vegetables bread meat and chicken

By Ningerdude2

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