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Q: What kind house can a pediatrican?
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What type of personality is best for a pediatrican?

kind, compassionate, patient, good with children

What kind of science do you need to become a pediatrican?

health or the study of body parts and how the body works

How long do you go to school to be a pediatrican?

It taked you 12 years to be a Pediatrican.

What kinds of pediatrican are there?


If your a pediatrican how days do you have to work?


How much money do pediatrican make?

$135,000 a year.

How many years to become a pediatrican?

1000 years

What is a pediatrican's yearly salary?

A pediatrician get $60000 up to $400000 a year.

What are the testing reguirements of being a pediatrican?

How much a pediatrian makes a year?

How much money does a pediatrican earn per hour?

I think they make thousands per year!!

What skills does it take to be a pediatrican?

It takes a lot of skill to become a have to go through seven to eight years of college,When you become a pediatrican you have to be great with kids of coarse.You have to be able to relate.With little kids you have to be able to calm them down or get use to the screaming pick one? pediatrican is a big commitment,you at first is gonna be tierd and stressedout,beliebe me but when you get used to it first.Just like ant other thing in your life it takes work. the pay is great though. trust me become a pediatrican and you wont regret it. when you go home at night you will be able to know you helped someome a child that needed you.its the best feeling in the entire world

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a house with light...