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Dunkirk is a French port town. The Allied Forces were driven back by the Germans to the French coast. There was a big threat that the Germans would destroy all of the soldiers, sailors and airmen if they could not be evacuated. The Navy allocated as many ships as were available to bring the men out but word got out to the people on the south coast of England and lots of people who had boats capable of getting to France and back set off to rescue the fighting men. Huge numbers of little boats crossed the Channel (as that stretch of water is known - La Manche in France).

Because it captured the imagination of the British people that people with little boats would risk their lives to save others Dunkirk became a huge symbol in British language and the Dunkirk Spirit is when people rally together to help one another when things go badly wrong.

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The remnants of the British Expeditionary Force were taken back to Britain by a huge fleet of ship and small boats, many of them civilian.

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Q: What key event took place at Dunkirk during world war 2?
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