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Jobs needed were farmers, lawyers, printers, farriers, store keepers, ship builders, sailors, fishermen, seamstresses, chemists, carpenters, bakers, and millers.

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Q: What jobs were needed after the American Revolution?
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Why did the industral revolution happen?

There was a Industrial revolution because many people needed help with there farming and daily jobs.

what items did the american needed to fight the revolution?

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What did children do during the American Revolution?

In that time, children actually worked jobs.

What was he positive impact the Industrial Revolution had on employment?

the industrial revolution provided a surplus of jobs for immigrants entering the country, along with later on in the north, jobs for African American slaves who escaped.

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There were several challenges that needed to be addressed by the new government after the revolution. The government needed to be established, the debt from the war needed to be paid and moral of the citizens needed to be lifted.

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Because they needed the land

Why were both inventors and capitalists needed to bring about the Industrial Revolution?

Because at that time they needed money and with the help of Samuel Slater they were able to give jobs to women and children.

Did the war of 1812 encourage American manufacturing?

They were more jobs,and whites needed slaves

What are some connections between bill of rights and the American revolution?

The Bill of Rights came in the ratification of the constitution and the constitution was needed to form a government after the revolution.

Why have the American people been drawn to all general or world wars since 1688?

why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American

Which was an effect of industial revolution?

workers needed fewer skills and less training to do most factory jobs