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they had to hunt , make candles and, give the food to the women to cook>

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Q: What jobs did boys or men have in colonial times?
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What jobs did men and boys have in colonial time?

The jobs that men and boys had in colonial times were mainly working on farm, fishing and hunting. As for the women, they went out to gather fruits t make food among other household chores.

What jobs did colonial men and boys have?

They Hunted, And Worked In The Farm.

What jobs did men or boys have in colonial Georgia?

farm hands ok

What were the responsibilities of men in colonial times?

They had to work for the common good, they had to serve on juries, they became members of the militia, and they supported education.

What jobs did men have in colonial Connecticut?

they had to whale,fish, and trade

What jobs did Virgina have when it was colony?

some jobs that were performed in Colonial Virginia, and elsewhere in Colonial America, included:teachercarpenterbakersawyercooperblacksmithsilversmithcoppersmithteamsterlawyerjudgetax collectorfarmerfarm handshipwrightlumberjacksurveyorbrick makerbricklayermanual laborer

What did fisher men do in the colonial times?


What were the jobs of men and women in colonial Georgia?

the ate green beans and shucked corn. but when it comes to jobs i have no idea.

What did men do in colonial times?

Colonial times were hard and families were large. Many men at that time had to work hard to support their families and they did so by farming or running a family business.

What are the roles for men and women in the Rhode Island colony?

They jobs women and men had in colonial Rhode Island was that women did laundry,cook ,clean and watch their childrenThe men worked at jobs,colloges and more too.

What jobs did men have in the colonial time?

they were cobblers, blacksmiths, silversmiths, barbers, doctors, woodworkers, tailors, and tanners

What did the men do in the colonial?

Colonial times were hard and families were large. Many men at that time had to work hard to support their families and they did so by farming or running a family business.