they had to hunt , make candles and, give the food to the women to cook>
They Hunted, And Worked In The Farm.
Colonial times were hard and families were large. Many men at that time had to work hard to support their families and they did so by farming or running a family business.
in colonial times a peruker is a colonial wig Maker that sewed horse hair, goat hair and human hair into net, curled it and sold it for money to children, men and woman.
they would fish hunt and provide for their families
The men did most the "Dirty" work such as field tilling and blacksmith type things. The women took care of the children, cooked, and cleaned the house, taught the girls how to do "their" jobs. =]
The jobs that men and boys had in colonial times were mainly working on farm, fishing and hunting. As for the women, they went out to gather fruits t make food among other household chores.
They Hunted, And Worked In The Farm.
farm hands ok
They had to work for the common good, they had to serve on juries, they became members of the militia, and they supported education.
they had to whale,fish, and trade
some jobs that were performed in Colonial Virginia, and elsewhere in Colonial America, included:teachercarpenterbakersawyercooperblacksmithsilversmithcoppersmithteamsterlawyerjudgetax collectorfarmerfarm handshipwrightlumberjacksurveyorbrick makerbricklayermanual laborer
the ate green beans and shucked corn. but when it comes to jobs i have no idea.
Colonial times were hard and families were large. Many men at that time had to work hard to support their families and they did so by farming or running a family business.
They jobs women and men had in colonial Rhode Island was that women did laundry,cook ,clean and watch their childrenThe men worked at jobs,colloges and more too.
they were cobblers, blacksmiths, silversmiths, barbers, doctors, woodworkers, tailors, and tanners
Colonial times were hard and families were large. Many men at that time had to work hard to support their families and they did so by farming or running a family business.