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Decrypted cyphers.

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Q: What job did the colossus do in world war 2?
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What job did the colossus di in world war 2?

Colossus was a code breaking computer designed by Tommy Flowers.

What job did the Colossus do during world war 2?

That was the name of the first programmable electronic computer, and it was used to break codes used by the Germans.

Where was colossus used to descrypt messages during World War 2?

Bletchley Park

What computer was created during world war 2 to help defeat the nazis?


What happened to the Colossus computer at the end of the World War 2?

There were several and most were destroyed

What computer was built to crack German codes during World War 2?

Colossus was operational at Bletchley Park by February 1943

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Colossus was developed during World War 2. What was it and what was it used for?

Colossus was a very large computer that used valves - a far cry from a modern desktop computer. It was used to help break the German's Enigma Code.

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The Amazing World of Gumball - 2011 The Remote The Colossus 2-1 was released on: USA: 14 August 2012

What job did Adolf Hitler do in the war?

Varying on Which War. In World War 1 he was an messanger. In World War 2 he was fuhrer of Nazi Germany and was an key subjecyt throught World War 2 both in and out of Europe.