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In 1820 the tension was high as the union decided weather or not they should admitt new state in. The states were disagreeing about the slavery or antislavery environment would be in Missiouri if it was admitted into the union. While Congress considered the Missiouri question Maine applied for statehood broadening the discussion to Maine and Missiouri. Henry clay stepped in and made a comprimise to keep the balance between the north and south. In March 1820 the Missiouri Comprimise was reached, admitting Missiouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. The remainder of the Louisiana Teriotory north of the 36degree 30'N parallel banned slavery.

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13y ago

The decision of whether to admit the new South Western territories to the Union as slave-states or free soil.

The Compromise allowed no new slave-states North of the parallel that marked Missouri's Southern border.

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13y ago

The Missouri Compromise tried to settle the issue over the number of free states versus slave states because they wanted the number to be equal but if Missouri became a free state then the number of free states would be greater than the number of slave states.

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8y ago

The two Missouri Compromises dealt with keeping the number of free and slave states in balance. The Missouri Compromise of 1850 was dissolved by the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act. This allowed people in territories to vote on slavery before entry into the USA. All executive and congressional activities concerning slavery was canceled by the 1859 US Supreme Court. The ruling was that slaves were property, could never be American citizens, not claim due process, or hold public office.

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the Missouri compromise temporarily settled the dispute over the westward expansion of slavery

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Q: What issue did The Missouri Compromise concern?
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What compromise temporarily settled the slavery issue in 1820?

The Missouri Compromise of 1820.

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The overriding issue was slavery. The compromise included The Fugitive Slave Act and agreement to allow slavery within the borders of Missouri.