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Pearl Harbor

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Tinian .

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Q: What island did the US use a base in the pacific to bomb japan from?
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Did the Indianapolis deliver both atomic bombs used on Japan?

At Tinian Island, in the Marianas. Tinian was the origin of both the nuclear raids.

Why does Japan take control in Pacific?

Japan taking control of the pacific? they don't need another bomb.

What led Japan to feel they needed to bomb a US Military base?

Their plan to occupy and control all Pacific Islands necessitated the elimination of the U.S. Navy presence in the Pacific. The easiest way to do that was to bomb all ships harbored in Hawaii.

Why did Japan want to bomb the countries in the pacific?

Because Japan wanted control of the world. They didn't just want to bomb the countries in the pacific, that's just where they decided to start. But, fortunatly, they did not succeed in "World Domination".

Why japan bomb the pearl harbor?

The United States was the only Navy in the way of Japans plan to conquer the Pacific. They needed to sink the Ships docked a the Navy Base.

Where did hiroshima and nagasaki planes take off from?

Tinian Island of the North Mariana Islands.

Was the atom bomb tested on an island when tested?

yes bikini atoll in the Pacific read the bomb good book

How do you describe island hopping?

Island hopping was a strategy for gaining ground in the Pacific during World War II. The plan was to take control of an island, then jump to the next one. Eventually, this allowed the US to get close enough to Japan to bomb them repeatedly.

What was the island hop strategy?

The Island hopping strategy was originated from Allied General Douglas MacArthur in WWII. The idea was broken down into three easy steps: 1. Bomb the Island 2. Invade the Island 3. Build an airfield to bomb the next island The reason behind Island Hopping is so the US could get close enough to Japan so they can use the Atomic Bomb to force the Japanese to surrender and end WWII on The Pacific Theater

Why was Okinawa a significant island in the world war 2 in the pacific?

Okinawa was another in the long line of islands, leading them nearer to Japan. The capture of Okinawa would give the Americans an airfield, and a shorter flight to bomb mainland of Japan.

What were first actions of Japan in the Pacific War?

To bomb Pearl Harbor. This triggered the War.

Why did us use island hopping?

Move closer to the japanese mainland-Apex