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Your niece and your son are second cousins. Your niece's child and your son are second cousins once removed.

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Q: What is your nieces child to your son?
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What is your nieces daughter to your son?

Your daughter and your niece are first cousins. Your daughter than your niece's son are first cousin's once removed. Your daughter's child and your niece's child are second cousins to each other.

What relation am i to my great nieces son?

Your niece's son is your grand-nephew. You are the child's grand aunt, or grand uncle (whichever applies).

What relationship is your first causin's granddaughter to your son?

Your granddaughters and son have the relationship of nieces and uncle. Your granddaughters being his nieces and your son being their uncle.

What relation is your nieces son to you?

Second Cousin

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What is your daughter's child and my nieces's child to each other?

They are 2nd cousins.

What is title of nieces son to aunt?

Your niece's son is your grand nephew, and you are his great aunt.

What is the difference in niece's nieces' and nieces?

niece's - something that belongs to a niece. nieces' - something that belongs to multiple neices. nieces - plural form of neice. person who asked this question - an incredibly dumb person.

Your daughter is what relation to your nieces son?

Your daughter and your niece are first cousins. Your daughter than your niece's son are first cousin's once removed. Your daughter's child and your niece's child are second cousins to each other.

How do you use nieces' in sentence?

The word nieces' is the plural possessive form of the word niece (a female child of your brother or sister). Example sentence: Both of my nieces' birthdays are in May.

What is your nieces child to your daughter?

Your daughter and your niece's child are 1st cousins once removed.

If your brother has one son and two daughters how many nieces would you have?

Assuming he is your only sibling with female children, you would have two (2) nieces.