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In medieval Europe, a vernacular language was any language used by the common people that was not Latin.

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Q: What is vernacular language and what were common vernacular languages in medieval times?
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Is computer science a vernacular language?

Vernacular means in the common language of. As an example, a vernacular mass in an English speaking country would be in English, instead of Latin. As such, computer languages are not in the vernacular.

What were common vernacular languages in medieval times?

Some common vernacular languages in medieval times included Old English in England, Old High German in parts of Germany, Old French in France, and Old Norse in Scandinavia. These languages were spoken by the majority of the population, while Latin was used for official and religious purposes.

What languages were spoken in medieval times?

In medieval times, the most commonly spoken languages in Europe were Latin, Old English, Middle English, Old French, and Middle High German. Latin was the language of the Church and administration, while vernacular languages like Old English and Old French were spoken by common people. Arabic, Greek, and Hebrew were also important languages in the medieval Islamic and Jewish worlds.

What lead most directly to the decline of the Latin language?

The decline of the Latin language was primarily due to the fragmentation of the Roman Empire, which led to the emergence of various vernacular languages in different regions. Additionally, the adoption of these vernacular languages by common people and the shifting political and cultural landscape further contributed to the diminishing use of Latin as a spoken language.

Difference between vernacular language and English language?

Vernacular is the common, spoken English as opposed to more formal, written English.

What country speaks the Vernacular language?

Vernacular means the common language spoken by people in any part of the world as differentiated from the formal language used by scholars.

What language was Spoken by commoners?

During the medieval times, commoners in Europe primarily spoke their local vernacular languages, such as Old English, Old French, and various regional dialects. Latin was also commonly used in written documents and by the clergy, but it was not the language of the common people.

What is the importance of vernacular?

Vernacular Literature is important because it is translated into vernacular which was the "common language" basically it made it so that everyday people could understand the text.

When books are written in the common language of a region they are said to be written in the what?

They are said to be written in the vernacular.

What was the language of the common people called?

The language of the common people was called vernacular. It was the everyday language spoken by ordinary people in a particular region or country, as opposed to the formal or literary language.

What is the common language for medieval french?

The common language for medieval French was known as Old French. It evolved from Latin and was spoken from the 9th to the 14th century. Old French was the main language of literature and legal documents during that time period.

What languages are spoken in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire?

The most common languages in Abidjan are:Standard FrenchFrançais de Treichville (a dialect of French)Nouchi (a dialect of French)DioulaEbriéBaouléand about 60 other vernacular languages.The most common language of Abidjan is Dioula.The traditional language was Ebrié, but since 1960, the official language is a dialect of French called French Ivorian Popular moussa. Another form of French spoken there is nouchiAlso, the city hosts many vorians from all over the country and so all the vernacular languages of the country, about sixty, are spoken, such as Attié, Baoulé, Bété, and Wobé.