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Q: What is the word for all the Jews that got killed during the holocaust?
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Why was the word boycott important to the Holocaust?

Because that is what the Germans did to the Jews during the holocaust.

Why did the Jews choose the word Holocaust?

The choice of the word holocaust was not specifically Jewish. In fact many Jews prefer the Hebrew word Shoah(catastrophe) because holocaust can have religious implications.

What did Anti-Semitism mean during the holocaust?

The word antisemitism means prejudice against or hatred of Jews.

How can the word holocaust be used in a sentence?

The Holocaust was the extermination of six million European Jews during WW2. The word "holocaust" can be found as an old translation of "burnt-offering," since that is its literal meaning: wholly burnt.

From what language is the word Holocaust?

The word 'Holocaust' comes from Ancient Greek. The word means "Sacrifice by Fire. Many Jews died from the holocaust.

What is an example of a sentence using the word disease?

Typhus is a disease that killed many children during the Holocaust.

What name is given to the Nazi massacre of over 6 million Jews?

The Holocaust

Is it true that the word holocaust means sacred cause?

Yes. The purging of the Jews from Europe was sacred to the Nazis. Nowadays, the word often represents great calamity or a catastrophic event.

How would a Jew describe the holocaust?

The word used by Jews for the Holocaust is "The Shoah" which means "calamity" in Hebrew.

What was the genocidal destruction of Jews by Nazi Germany during World War 2 called?

holocost .... Learn how to spell... it's the Holocaust

What were the Jews killed with at Holocaust?

Holocaust was not a place. The holocaust was a word used for an event that happened during world war 2. A word used to encompass all of the war crimes committed against the various minority groups targeted by the Nazi regime. As for the methods of killing, if it can be imagined by man, it was used to cause death and suffering. Shooting, burning, suffocating and atrocities too horrendous to think about.

What was the word used for fleeing Jews?

Holocaust refugees?