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this is Angel coast

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Q: What is the west coast equivalent of Ellis Island?
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Where is Ellis Island east or west coast?

East coast

Is Ellis Island on the west coast or east coast?


What was the difference between Ellis and angle island?

Ellis island was on the east coast whereas angel island was on the west coast. Because of this more people from Asia came to angel island

What coast is Ellis Island on?

Ellis Island is in New York City, and New York City is located on the East Coast of the United States. Ellis Island is about a mile off the west side of Lower Manhattan.

What place did immigrants arrive on the west coast before gaining entry into the US?

Ellis Island in NY harbor was the "doorway" to the US.

Who are some people that went to angell island?

Angel island was the Ellis Island of the west coast and immigrants from Asia came through the center.

What else was built to serve a similar purpose to Ellis island?

Angel Island was built to house Asian immigrants on the West Coast.

Nickname of Angel Island?

Ellis Island of the West.

Where did Japanese immigrants live in America in the early 1900s?

The majority were on the West Coast. They came in through the western Ellis Island called Angel Island in San Francisco.

Why was Angel Island called the Ellis island of the west?

Ellis island mainly had people from Europe. Angle island had people from ASia.

In the 19th and 29th century immigrants entered the US at what location?

Most from the east coast entered at Ellis island, but most from China and the west entered at Angel island.

What group of immigrants entered the US on the west coast and at which immigration station were they processed?

Eastern Europeans were processed through Ellis Island, near the Statue of Liberty. About 98% of ALL immigrants made it through Ellis Island with no problems. The same could not be said for the Asians who came through the West Coast facility--Angel Island. Nearly ALL Asian immigrants came to America through the west coast processing center located on Angel Island, right by Alcatraz Island off the coast of San Francisco. Only about 65% of all Asians made it through the rigorous process on the west coast and many were delayed there for days, weeks or even months while the processing droaned on and on.