

What is the venetian trade route?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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Q: What is the venetian trade route?
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Describe the movement of goods from the port of marseilles to London in two ways by venetian and by hanseatic trade routes?

the goods traveling on the Hanseatic trade route could complete the journey mostly over land while on the Venetian trade route they would travel mostly over water from the port of Marseilles to London.

Which exporer was a crucial step in the opening the trade routes to the east?

The trade route from Europe to China and other parts of Asia was established by the Venetian explorer Marco Polo who set out with his father and uncle in 1271 and returned in 1295.

What was the trade route?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.

What country was the destination of the trade route?

Can you be more specific? What trade route??

The Russian trade route was called the .?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.

What was the trade route called?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.

What is a trade city?

a trade route in a city A city that lies along a major trade route and serves as a trade hub.

What would you say marks the major difference between the hanseatic and venetian trade routes?

The major difference between the Hanseatic and Venetian trade routes lies in their geographical focus and primary goods traded. The Hanseatic League operated in Northern Europe, connecting the Baltic and North Seas, and primarily traded timber, fish, and fur. In contrast, the Venetian trade routes were centered around the Mediterranean Sea, extending to the Middle East and Asia, and were known for trading luxury goods like spices, silk, and precious metals. This difference reflects their distinct economic and cultural influences.

What is the busiest oceanic trade route in the world?

The North Atlantic Ocean Route is the busiest trade route in the world.

The Russian trade route was called the what?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.

What was the trade call?

This trade route was known as the Varangian Route. The Route connected Europe to Asia through the Russian territory.

What trade route did magellam follow?

He didn't follow a trade route because there wasn't one.