It is the chrysanthemum.
The chrysanthemum on Japanese weapons has always been an insignia for the EMPEROR OF JAPAN and represents the loyalty that Japanese feel to the Emperor.
Chrysanthemum throne
The Chysanthemum is the Japanese national flower.
Vladimir Tretchikoff died on 2006-08-26.
Vladimir Tretchikoff was born on 1913-12-13.
The painting 'The Chinese Girl', also known as 'The Green Lady' was painted by Vladimir Tretchikoff. It is an oil painting and canvas and was painted between 1952 and 1953.
Value of reflect painting
Chrysanthemum multicaule is an annual chrysanthemum from Algeria.
The value of a Tom Keating painting is $20,000.
J.H. Lynch
The word is spelled chrysanthemum. A chrysanthemum is a very pretty flower.
The German word for chrysanthemum is chrysantheme.
A chrysanthemum is often referred to as a mum, so mum is a palindrome of the shortened version of a chrysanthemum.
No, i will not put Chrysanthemum in a sentence. There done