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1979 was the first year for the Susan B. Anthony dollar. With a date of 1921 it's a Morgan or Peace dollar, and the woman on the front is Miss Liberty.

Value for a Morgan in circulated condition $14.00 to $18.00 Value for a Peace dollar in circulated condition $70.00 to $150.00

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15y ago

Don't assume that every woman on a US coin is Susan B. Anthony. The coin you have carries a picture of Miss Liberty, as in "Statue of ..." and is called a Peace dollar. Anthony dollars were made much later - 1979 to 1981 and 1999.

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Q: What is the value of a 1927 susan b anthony silver dollar?
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What is the value of a susan b anthony coin 1889 silver dollar?

No such thing.

What is value of 1980 Silver Dollar circulated?

It's a common Susan B. Anthony dollar coin with no silver in it just spend it

What is the value of a Susan B. Anthony 1988 Silver Dollar worth?

It's not a SBA dollar it's a Silver Eagle Bullion coin and the value is about $17.00 just for the silver

What is the value of the 1979 liberty silver dollar?

It is not a "liberty" dollar, it is a Susan B. Anthony dollar. It is not silver,, has never been made out of silver, and is only worth $1. They are in common circulation.

How much is a 1979 silver liberty dollar coin worth today?

The coin is not a silver liberty dollar. It's a 1979 Susan B. Anthony Dollar coin and has no silver in it and the value is one dollar.

1979 silver dollar worth?

In 1979, the dollar coin issued by the US was the Susan B. Anthony, which has no silver content and no real collector's value, so is a "spender".

What is the value of 1979 and 1980 Susan B Anthony silver dollars?

They contain absolutely no silver, and they're worth one dollar each.

Value of a 1979 liberty silver dollar?

The coin is not a "Liberty" silver dollar, it's a Susan B. Anthony and was never made from silver only copper-nickel. The coin is still in circulation today and is face value.

What is value of 1979 liberty dollar?

The coin is not a "Liberty" silver dollar, it's a Susan B. Anthony and was never made from silver only copper-nickel. The coin is still in circulation today and is face value

What is the value of a Susan B Anthony sliver dollar?


What is the value of a Susan B. Anthony 1972 Silver Dollar worth?

Not Susan B. Anthony - President Eisenhower! And not silver, either - copper-nickel. In any case all circulating dollar coins dated 1971 or later are only worth face value. They do not contain any precious metals like silver or gold, only copper-nickel or brass.

What is the value of a silver dollar 1914SuzyBAnthony?

Check that coin again. Susan B. Anthony wasn't featured on a coin until 1979, and there were no silver dollars minted in 1914.