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Carriage was the roller on a typewriter that held the paper in place. The carriage return moved the carriage back to the beginning of the column on a new line.

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Q: What is the use of carriage return?
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What does the 'carriage return' function do?

The carriage return refers to a key on a typewriter. The carriage return key returns a typer to the beginning of a line of text and goes to the next line. When a typer reaches the end of a line of text on the paper, they would hit the carriage return key to advance to the next line.

Another name for return key?

Carriage Return, and Enter key.

It goes with a carriage and comes with a carriage Is of no use to a carriage and yet the carriage cannot go without it?

A child

What is it that goes with a carriage and comes with a carriage is of no use?

a child

How do you use carriage forward?

To use a carriage return (also known as a line break) to move the cursor to the beginning of a new line in a text document or word processor, simply press the "Enter" key on your keyboard. This creates a new paragraph or line within the document.

What is backslash r carriage return means in c language?

\r means Carriage Return, which means: return the cursor to the beginning of the line in more simple words we can say that it's deleting each character from the active position upto the beginning.

What is the difference between carriage inwards and carriage outwards?

Carriage Inward Including when Raw Material Import/Purchase from other side to Factory or Production house on that time use Carriage inward ( Use Trading A/c) Carriage Outward when

What is the automatic return of the cursor when it reaches the the right hand margin?

LF, CR (line feed, carriage return) from the typewriter days when the paper would feed around a roller and the roller was on a carriage that moved horizontally.

What is the difference between line feed and carriage return?

Line Feed '\n' takes the cursor to newline but does not take it to the beginning. Wheareas the Carriage Return '\r' does just the opposite. The combination '\r\n' is used as EOF (End Of File). Note: Mac uses '\r' for Newline whereas Unix use '\n'.

What does ASCII code 10 represent?

ASCII (decimal) 10 is a linefeed character. text editors often use both a carriage return character (13) and a line feed character (10) when starting a new line. the same logic a typewriter uses where you have to return the carriage (which moves the paper over) and then feed the paper upwards.

How do you code a carriage return?

<control>D That's 13, in hex it's 0D.

What does crlf mean?

In computer programming, cr is carriage return, lf is line feed.