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Q: What is the type of fighting the US used in the pacific that basically meant that we did not attack islands in straight lines but moved around haphazardly?
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What was the type of fighting the US used in the Pacific that did not attack islands in straight lines but moved around haphazardly?

The technique is called "island hopping" (or sometimes leapfrogging) and is not haphazard -- the US forces bypassed entrenched garrisons on some islands, attacking only those that would offer strong positions (such as airfields) or those that would present a threat to their supply lines. Many of the bypassed outposts could not be resupplied by the Japanese in the later stages of the war, rendering them useless to the war effort.

Is the straight of Gibraltar or the canary islands closer to the equator?

The Canary Islands

Where did the war spread to in World War 2?

World War 2 was fought basically every where except Antarctica there was fighting in South America, Pacific islands, mainland Asia, North Africa, Madagascar, Europe.

What are the islands called that Japan and China are fighting over?

Senkaku islands in Japanese.Diaoyu in Chinese.As a whole: Okinawa prefecture

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The Solomons .

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The Manila Bay

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Yes basically, Boracay is part of the Panay Islands which is part of the Western Visayas Group of Islands.

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The Cook straight separates the North and South islands of New Zealand.

Where on earth is a strait?

well there is cook straight between the two islands of new zealand.....

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An archipelago is basically a group of islands usually encompassed within one country (Indonesia, for example) a peninsula is kind of like an island.

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The Falkland Islands are a British territory. However, Argentina believes that they are the rightful owners of these islands. A small war even broke out between the two countries but the territory is still disputed to this day.

Why does an international date line is not straight line?

to avoid pacific islands so they are in the same timezone