The head of the executive branch and head of the government.
the authorThe President
The executives main duties are to command the army and to uphold laws that have been passed by the legislative branch...
Article 2 of the Constitution sets up the Executive Branch of Government.
The president runs the Executive Branch
The president
The president
The President is the the head of the executive branch.
The title of the chief executive or head of the executive branch of the United States is the US President. Barack Obama, a two-term president, is coming to the end of his second term in 2016.
The president is the head executive branch In the state.
There are several titles for the head of the executive branch of a national government, e.g., prime minister, premier and president.
The head of the Executive branch in a state is the Governor
President is the head of the executive branch.
The Governor of each state is the head of that state's executive branch.
The head of the executive branch can veto laws passed by congress. The head of the executive branch is the president.