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Anne Frank was a Jewish girl the age of 13 when her family had to go into hiding after being given a notice to go to a work camp. The book is a true story that she wrote when in hiding.


Her book is a diary and I don't think it has a 'concept'.

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Anne Frank kept a diary. She didn't write a novel.

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What is the theme of the book Anne Frank remembered?

The theme of "Anne Frank Remembered" is the impact of the Holocaust on individuals and society, as seen through the lens of Anne Frank's life and diary. It explores themes of resilience, hope, and the enduring power of memory in the face of tragedy.

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"Tales from the Secret Annex" is not a novel - it is a compendium of short stories, all of which were written by Anne Frank.

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Nobody in the hiding place gets pregnant in the "Diary of Anne Frank". Remember that the diary is actually a real dairy, telling the story of Anne Frank, her fellow hiders and family before they died in the Nazi concentration camps (apart from her father). It is not a novel, or just a film or play.

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The people in Anne Frank's family were; Margot Frank - Anne's sister Edith Frank - Anne's mother Otto Frank - Anne's father. The family pet name for Otto was 'Pim'.

Who wrote 'The Diary of Anne Frank?

'The Diary of Anne Frank' was written by Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who kept a diary while hiding from the Nazis during the Second World War. Her diary has become a widely read account of life during the Holocaust.

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Margot Frank was Anne Frank's sister. She died of typhus in a concentration camp within days of Anne's death.

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Anne Frank

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Anne Frank is a/an Diarist

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Anne Frank's full name was Anneliese Marie Frank. Her older sister's name was Margot Frank. Edith and Otto Frank were her parents.

Who was Mr Frank in relation to Anne Frank?

Otto Frank was Anne's father.

What was Anne Frank's fathers name?

The name of Anne Frank's father is Otto Frank.