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Historians study and write about people and events of the past.

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Q: What is the study of people and events of the past?
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Why do you study events of the past?

Some people get joy out of it. While others believe that if you don't study the past, then the past will be our future.

What is the study of the past called?

The study of the past is called history. Historians analyze and interpret events, people, cultures, and societies from the past to understand how they have shaped the present.

Secondary sources are accounts of the past?

created by people who study events after they have occurred

Who is person who studies how people lived in the past?

People who study how people lived in the past are called anthropologists.

What is the study of things in the past called?

The study of things in the past is called history. It involves researching and analyzing events, people, cultures, and societies that existed before the present time.

What is the study of past events in society?

The study of past events in society is known as history. Historians analyze and interpret the past to understand how societies have evolved over time, identify patterns and trends, and draw lessons for the present and future.

What are the characteristics needed to be a historian?

It is the study of past events

What is history ?

History is the study of events which occurred before the present time. It includes who lived in past societies and how they lived. Much of history is about famous people and what they have done. It is a very intricate and precise branch of study, and exists as written texts and images. Historians and archaeologists uncover the way things were, and analyze why events happened as they did.History is the study of past events in chronological order from ancient times to the present. Students of history learn about what happened long ago, often discovering the mistakes of the past to avoid their repetition in the future.History means: 1. the study of past events, particularly in human affairs.2. the whole series of past events connected with someone or something.History is a written record of past events, and particularly that of past human events. History includes diverse spheres of human activity, but most especially the political and economic spheres.

How does the study of your country's history help you understand other people?

We study history to rediscover our origin and understand our past. Because past historical events can guide us to have a better life at present and prepare for the future.

What do people use to study the past?

Students in school usually study history from appropriate textbooks. Others may use sites such as this one, encyclopedias, and even old newspapers to piece together histories.

Can you define the term history?

1. A continuous record of past events or trends 2. The study of past events 3. The past events connected with someone or something Source: THE OXFORD DICTIONARY

The meaning of kasaysayan?

Kasaysayan is history in English. It is the study of past events.