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The official state fossil of Alaska is the Woolly Mammoth. It was designated as such in 1986.

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Q: What is the state fossil of Alaska?
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What is Alaska's state dinosaur?

Alaska has no state dinosaurs, but its state fossil is the woolly mammoth.

What is Alaska state fossil?

The wooly mammoth.

What is the state fossil in Alaska?

It's the wolly mammoth

Why is there a lot of fossil fuel in Alaska?

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Why do countries hope to find fossil fuels beneath the melting ice in Alaska?

As Alaska is a state, the only country involved would be the USA. "hope to find"? Alaska produces about 16% of the oil used in the US. There is no doubt of its existence.

What is Alaska's state symbol?

The Official Alaska State symbols include: The wooly mammoth as the fossil. The moose as the land mammal. The Bowhead whale as the marine mammal. The King Salmon as the fish. The Sitka Spruce as the tree. The Forget-Me-Not as the flower.

What state is Alaska in?

Alaska is a state.

What is the state flower of Alaska?

Alaska's state flower is the Forget-me-not flower.

Alaska's state flower?

The Alaska state flower is the Forget Me Not.

What is alaska's state instrument?

Alaska has no state instrument.

What state was Alaska into the union?

Alaska was the 49th state.

What state is alaska part of?

Alaska is an American State.