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Q: What is the social system of the Spanish colonies?
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In Spanish colonial caste system peninsula res were?

Peninsulares were individuals born in Spain and held the highest social status in the Spanish colonial caste system. They were considered superior to Creoles, who were individuals of Spanish descent born in the colonies, and came to occupy top government and church positions in the colonies.

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What four groups made up society in the spanish colonies?

The four social classes in the Spanish colonies were peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, and Indians.

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Who was on top of the social hierach in spanish and portuguese colonies?

In Spanish and Portuguese colonies, the people who were on top of the social hierarchy were the peninsulares - individuals who were born in Spain or Portugal. They held the highest positions in government, the church, and society.

What was the casta system?

the Spanish social system based on ethnicity.

What was casta system?

the Spanish social system based on ethnicity.

What were peninsulares in a Spanish colonial caste system?

Peninsulares were individuals who were born in Spain and held the highest social status in the Spanish colonial caste system. They were often placed in top administrative positions and had significant economic and political power in the colonies.

What do you call a person who is the top of the social class and was sent by Spain to rule the Spanish colonies?

You call a person who is at the top of the social class and was sent by Spain to rule the Spainsh colonies a peninsulares.

Which term would fit in the sixth box of the chart in order to reflect the Spanish caste system?


What are the 5 social classes set up in the Spanish Colonies?

In the Spanish Colonies, the social classes were structured as follows: peninsulares (those born in Spain), creoles (those of Spanish descent born in the colonies), mestizos (mixed-race individuals), Native Americans, and enslaved Africans.

What statements about south America describes spanish colonies but not the potuguese colonies?

encomienda system was used throughout the colonial era