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Computers can't think for themselves like humans. Computers fabricated, Humans are born. Humans we are breathing, living creatures and computers are just wires and programs. Humans have intelligent brain but computer does not have.

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12y ago
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15y ago

There is not much difference at all. Humans programmed the computers to do complicated tasks that would take too long using conventional means to solve.

The computers can do the problem solving much faster, but they are still giving the answer in human terms as we (humans) instructed it how to give us the answer we sought.

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13y ago

Many things..

A man has a penis, a computer (Hopefully) does not.

A computer is powered by a plug outlet, when (Most) humans are powered by 12v

- No point in posting more because its pretty obvious what is the same and different between computer and man.

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11y ago

we are not able to compare any machine to the human but if we talk scientifically we are able to compare them with the processing if we talk about computer and human brain we can see short similarity computer use to carry its work with three step input process and output same philosophy is used to be apply with human brain when we came in the contact of environment which can be compare as input our brain receive it as a form of electrical impulses and analysis it same as a process in computer and as a result human body respond the changes as a output....

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14y ago

a human can fall in love and then reproduce. a human can be there for their friend if they've been hurt. what can a computer do that a human can't do?

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14y ago

Computers are not biological except for the imprint of a working finger.

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Q: What is the similarity of a human brain and a computer?
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