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Q: What is the significance of lobola?
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Information on lobola?

The custom of lobola is handing over cattle to a bride's father as compensation for the 'loss' of his daughter. The number of cattleso handed overfor a prospective girl depends on her marriage ability.BY SAMPA NAKAMBA

What are significants of lobola?

The "bride price" is a variable sum discovered only after long and complex negotiations and which is a way for families to get to know the prospective in laws. It is an excellent African tradition.

How was lobola started?

it started back in the far old days where woman where seen as valuable so it was done to see the man's financial standard and to see if he could provide for his family.

What are woman legal rights if man move in with another woman after paying lobola or bride's price for her?

You can't purchase a woman. Unfortunately, women have fought many years for equal rights and it looks like they're winning

What are the 6 uses of cattle in the Great Zimbabwe state?

1 to pay bride price 1 as a sign of wealth 3 in religious ceremonies 4 for meat 5 to pay tribute to the king 6 for hides

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