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Lee was asked by Lincoln to be in charge of the entire Union Army but he turned it down. When Virginia seceded from the Union in April 1861, Lee decided to follow his own state and fought for the Confederate Army. Lee's greatest victories were the Seven day battles. In the spring of 1864, the new Union commander, Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, began a series of campaigns to wear down Lee's army.

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12y ago

He reflected the issue of state loyalty over national loyalty. Although he was one of many respected senior Virginians who disapproved of secession, he still felt it was his duty to join the Confederates - turning down a senior appointment in the Union army as he did so.

Lee was a commander of legendary skill, who was the natural choice of Confederate General-in-Chief when that post was created (though too late to make any difference). However his greatest triumphs were the result of team partnership with Stonewall Jackson, and neither Lee nor his army was quite the same after Stonewall's death.

It is Lee, not his President Jefferson Davis, who has gone down in history as the figurehead of the Confederacy, embodying the soul and spirit of the noble Southern planter-aristocrat that so many Southerners wanted to believe in, and some still do.

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9y ago

Robert E Lee was a general of the south. he was also a strong christian. the reason on why he was important to the civil war was because he won some battles. there is also some other reasons on why he was important but im not sure what they are. Because the Confederacy is the bomb diggity. The South will control the world and we will all be South by 2098. Lincoln will come back as a zombie and fight with us.

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