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Q: What is the shared language that served to bring all the peoples of the roman empire together?
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What Empire's capital was Rome in the AD 300's?

In the 300's Milan served as the capital of the roman empire.In the 300's Milan served as the capital of the roman empire.In the 300's Milan served as the capital of the roman empire.In the 300's Milan served as the capital of the roman empire.In the 300's Milan served as the capital of the roman empire.In the 300's Milan served as the capital of the roman empire.In the 300's Milan served as the capital of the roman empire.In the 300's Milan served as the capital of the roman empire.In the 300's Milan served as the capital of the roman empire.

Was Christianity brought to Europe by the roman empire?

No, Christianity was brought to Europe by the disciples of Christ. The Roman empire served as a vehicle for the spread of the religion due to its peace, good roads, safe travel and the Roman tolerance for foreign cults.No, Christianity was brought to Europe by the disciples of Christ. The Roman empire served as a vehicle for the spread of the religion due to its peace, good roads, safe travel and the Roman tolerance for foreign cults.No, Christianity was brought to Europe by the disciples of Christ. The Roman empire served as a vehicle for the spread of the religion due to its peace, good roads, safe travel and the Roman tolerance for foreign cults.No, Christianity was brought to Europe by the disciples of Christ. The Roman empire served as a vehicle for the spread of the religion due to its peace, good roads, safe travel and the Roman tolerance for foreign cults.No, Christianity was brought to Europe by the disciples of Christ. The Roman empire served as a vehicle for the spread of the religion due to its peace, good roads, safe travel and the Roman tolerance for foreign cults.No, Christianity was brought to Europe by the disciples of Christ. The Roman empire served as a vehicle for the spread of the religion due to its peace, good roads, safe travel and the Roman tolerance for foreign cults.No, Christianity was brought to Europe by the disciples of Christ. The Roman empire served as a vehicle for the spread of the religion due to its peace, good roads, safe travel and the Roman tolerance for foreign cults.No, Christianity was brought to Europe by the disciples of Christ. The Roman empire served as a vehicle for the spread of the religion due to its peace, good roads, safe travel and the Roman tolerance for foreign cults.No, Christianity was brought to Europe by the disciples of Christ. The Roman empire served as a vehicle for the spread of the religion due to its peace, good roads, safe travel and the Roman tolerance for foreign cults.

Did the Roman Empire divide their empire into provences?

Yes, the Roman empire did divide their empire into provinces. This division served two purposes, the first being making their vast territories easier to govern and to collect taxes and the second to reward ex-officials and help them regain the funds they had to lay out in order to get elected.Yes, the Roman empire did divide their empire into provinces. This division served two purposes, the first being making their vast territories easier to govern and to collect taxes and the second to reward ex-officials and help them regain the funds they had to lay out in order to get elected.Yes, the Roman empire did divide their empire into provinces. This division served two purposes, the first being making their vast territories easier to govern and to collect taxes and the second to reward ex-officials and help them regain the funds they had to lay out in order to get elected.Yes, the Roman empire did divide their empire into provinces. This division served two purposes, the first being making their vast territories easier to govern and to collect taxes and the second to reward ex-officials and help them regain the funds they had to lay out in order to get elected.Yes, the Roman empire did divide their empire into provinces. This division served two purposes, the first being making their vast territories easier to govern and to collect taxes and the second to reward ex-officials and help them regain the funds they had to lay out in order to get elected.Yes, the Roman empire did divide their empire into provinces. This division served two purposes, the first being making their vast territories easier to govern and to collect taxes and the second to reward ex-officials and help them regain the funds they had to lay out in order to get elected.Yes, the Roman empire did divide their empire into provinces. This division served two purposes, the first being making their vast territories easier to govern and to collect taxes and the second to reward ex-officials and help them regain the funds they had to lay out in order to get elected.Yes, the Roman empire did divide their empire into provinces. This division served two purposes, the first being making their vast territories easier to govern and to collect taxes and the second to reward ex-officials and help them regain the funds they had to lay out in order to get elected.Yes, the Roman empire did divide their empire into provinces. This division served two purposes, the first being making their vast territories easier to govern and to collect taxes and the second to reward ex-officials and help them regain the funds they had to lay out in order to get elected.

What is loyalists or united empire loyalists?

loyalist were colonist that stayed loyal(still served) the king of England(king gorge the III)

Were the ancient Romans better served with a monarchy republic or imperial form of government?

It depends. The monarchy served the Romans well up to the last king, who seized power through a coup and was a tyrant. He as deposed in a rebellion and the Romans decided to establish a Republic to prevent the return of tyranny. The Republic served the Romans well for nearly 400 years, until it became dysfunctional and unable to cope with the acquisition of an empire and was torn apart by a series of civil wars. Rule by emperors functioned well to administer the empire for some 200 years. It served the Romans very badly during the period of military anarchy of the Crisis of the Third Century. After that it served the empire quite well, but it developed an oversized bureaucracy and army which were a financial burden and led to oppressive taxation regimes.

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