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Mount Vesuvius is a large volcano in Italy that is shaped like a cone. It erupted in the 1st century and wiped out the entire city of Pompeii.

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What volcano buried Italy?

a big volcano that errupted

How do you spell the volcano in Pompeii?

Mount Vesuvius (in Italian: Monte Vesuvio. in Latin: Mons Vesuvius).

When mount vesuvius erupted?

There is no telling when Mount Vesuvius will erupt next.

Is mount vesuvius extinct?

Mount Vesuvius is dormant (sleeping), not extinct.

Is Mount Vesuvius snow capped?

Mount Vesuvius, located near Naples, Italy, is not typically snow capped. It is an active volcano with a distinctive shape and barren, rocky slopes due to its volcanic activity. Snow on Vesuvius is rare because of its low elevation and temperate climate.

Was the city destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius?

Mount Vesuvius destroyed the city of Pompeii.

What country is mount Vesuvius?

Mount Vesuvius about 9 km east of Naples, Italy.

When did mount vesuvius happen?

mount vesuvius happened in the morning of august 24th A.D

Is Mount Venus the same thing as Mount Vesuvius?

No. Mount Venus is a megalithic site in Ireland. Mount Vesuvius is a volcano in Italy.

What was the name of the volcano which destroyed pompeii in ancient times?

Mount Vesuvius is the name of the volcano that erupted and destroyed Pompeii.Mount Vesuvius is the name of the volcano that erupted and destroyed Pompeii.Mount Vesuvius is the name of the volcano that erupted and destroyed Pompeii.Mount Vesuvius is the name of the volcano that erupted and destroyed Pompeii.Mount Vesuvius is the name of the volcano that erupted and destroyed Pompeii.Mount Vesuvius is the name of the volcano that erupted and destroyed Pompeii.Mount Vesuvius is the name of the volcano that erupted and destroyed Pompeii.Mount Vesuvius is the name of the volcano that erupted and destroyed Pompeii.Mount Vesuvius is the name of the volcano that erupted and destroyed Pompeii.

Did Vesuvius erupt today?

No, there have been no reports of an eruption from Mount Vesuvius today. The last eruption of Mount Vesuvius occurred in 1944.