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They both fought for equal rights but they did this differently. Malcom X was a radical and MLK was a peace activist. And I think both were shot.

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How are Martin Luther King Jr. and Ralph Bunche alike or the same?

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Q: What is the same about Ralph Bunche and Martin Luther King?
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Was Martin Luther King the first Negro to win the Nobel Prize?

No, Ralph Bunche

First african american to win Nobel Peace Prize?

African-American recipients have been Ralph Bunche (in 1950) Martin Luther King Jr. (in 1964) President Barack Obama (in 2009)

What did Ralph bunche and martin Luther king do together?

Dr. Ralph J. Bunche introduced MLK,Jr. at the "I Have a Dream" Speech in Washington, DC. He also marched with him many times including the march from Selma to Montgomery, AL. Look at the pictures of MLK,Jr. and many times you will see Dr. Bunche with him.

Who was the first black to receive the Nobel Peace Prize?

I think it was Martin Luther KingThe first black person to receive the Nobel Peace prize was Ralph J. Bunche, who received it in 1950 for mediating the Arab-Israeli truce. Martin Luther King Junior was the second black to receive the award, which he was given in 1964 for his work in the Civil Rights Movement.

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What was Martin Luther King jr's dad's name?

The father of Martin Luther King, Jr. was Martin Luther King, Sr.

What was Martin Luther King jr father name?

martin Luther king dad name was Damien

Why was Martin Luther King Jr. named after Martin Luther?

Martin Luther King Jr was not named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr was named after his father, Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King was named after Martin Luther.

What is Martin Luther King Jr's father name?

Martin Luther King

Who is Ralph Abernathy?

he was the son of a farmer, he helped martin Luther king organize the bus boycott...

Why is Ralph abenathy most famous?

because he started the boycott with Martin Luther king Jr.

What is Ralph D abernathy famous for?

kissing cuban girls, running off to mexico with martin luther king and making out with him, adopting a puuerto rican girl named jessica and killing her ralph abernathy has shot martin luther king jr in stomach