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Basically security. When surrounded by enemies, or even when not, it's good to know if you get in a fight, you have a friend to back you up, so to speak.

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Q: What is the role of military alliances?
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Nations making political and military alliances was an effect of?

Nations making political and military alliances was an effect of militarism.

What did NATO and the Warsaw pact have in common?

They were both military alliances mainly based in Europe

How did warfare and military alliances affect early societies?


What were the following was the eventual result of the allied attempt to contain soviet expansion?

western and communist countries formed rival military alliances (Novanet)

Do countris still form alliances?

Yes, it is a very common trend in world history for empires, city-states, nations, etc. to form alliances. Many military alliances are in place are the world now.

What is the importance of the Canadian military alliances in Canadian history?

the Canadian shield is fat

How was napoleonable to control the countries neighboring the french empire?

By having alliances and military threats.

Is Sweden part of any military alliances?

Not formally, but they have participated in NATO and EUFOR operations.

What military alliances were formed during the Gulf war?

There were no alliances; the USSR monitored (supported) Iraq and the US (monitored/supported) Iran during the war (1980-1988).

Who protects a country?

A country is protected by its military forces, law enforcement agencies, and sometimes by alliances with other countries. The government also plays a role in creating and enforcing laws to maintain stability and security within its borders.

What is the role of the military in the senate?

the military doesnt have a role. hope this answers your question.

What factor contributed to the outbreak of World War 1?

Militarism, alliances, Imperialism, and nationalism European countries entered into military alliances that required them to protect one another from attacks. This led to escalation as more countries were drawn into the war.