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Our attitudes and decisions stem from the culture of which we are raised in or identify ourselves with. This I think is based on the historical concept of agency and how people are participating in creating history whether through actions or thought.

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Q: What is the role of cultural policy in the 21st century or in postmodern society?
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Canada's multiculturalism policy is necessary to promote social cohesion, respect for diversity, and inclusion of all cultural groups within society. It helps to counter discrimination and promote the understanding and celebration of various cultures, which contributes to a vibrant and enriched society. Additionally, it allows individuals to maintain their cultural heritage while also participating fully in Canadian society.

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American Council for Cultural Policy was created in 2002.

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The policy of assimilation is based on the idea that minority groups should adopt the culture, values, and customs of the dominant group in society. This approach aims to reduce differences and promote unity among different cultural groups.

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Yes, there were programs in the 19th century aimed at assimilating Native Americans into white society, which included educating, Christianizing, and marrying off Native American women to white men. These programs were part of a broader government policy of cultural assimilation and were often coercive and exploitative.

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