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Modesty is the major significance of the hijab. Many people think that Muslim women wear the hijab just a symbol to show that they are Muslims, but this is not the reason to wear the hijab.. wearin the hijab means we should guard ourself by being modes, not revealing much from our body and not seek so much attention. Hijab does not only mean cover the hair, but also to wear clothes that are not tight or transparent or that reveal other parts of the body except for hand and face.. it is seen that those who reveal inapproprite parts of the body is seeking attention in contrast to modesty.

there are however many other ways to look at the hijab...

some women believe by wearing the hijab they become more of an equal to males, as they are not dealt with based on their physical appearance and beauty, but rather for how they think and their actions.

some wear hijab because they choose to and strongly believe in it's importance in Islam, while others are forced to wear it from their parents...

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Q: What is the religious significance of the hijab?
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The hijab is a personal choice for many Muslim women and is worn as a symbol of modesty and religious devotion. It is not inherently good or bad, but rather a matter of individual interpretation and cultural significance. It is important to respect each person's choice to wear or not wear the hijab.

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Yes, hijab is necessary in Islam as it is a religious requirement for woman clothing. Refer to question below.

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No she shouldnt she should wear the hijab when she feels ready but not wearing the hijab doesnt mean to stop doing other religious things start wearing it when you feel it is the right time Hope this helps:)

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